Saifi Student Policy
All students are required to sign and agree Saifi Student Policy when registering for any group class or private lessons.
1) Group Class Policy:
- Behavior that is rude or disruptive toward the teacher or fellow students are not permitted in class, at school
activities or on the campus. Such behavior includes but is not limited to cursing, inappropriate political
commentary, offensive language and using a cell phone. Two warnings will be given before a student is
expelled. Tuition fees will not be refunded.
- Eating is not permitted in class including snacks and chewing gum. Students may bring hot and cold drinks into the
classroom but must clean up after themselves before leaving the class.
- Students who miss an excessive number of classes, and/or fail the final exam will not be eligible for a certificate
nor permitted to progress to a higher level without retaking the class.
- If a student misses a group class for any reason, that class will not be refunded or rescheduled.
- In the unusual case that a group class is canceled by Saifi Institute, it will be rescheduled at the end of the term
during registration week.
- One hour of tuition at Saifi is 55 minutes of teaching. This applies to both private and group classes.
- Certificates can be issued upon request to students who receive a passing grade on the final exam.
2) Group Classes: Payments & Refunds:
- Tuition fees and study materials must be fully paid for in advance before the first-class session.
- A 50% refund can be given if a student notifies the administration at least 10 days prior to the start of a course.
- For any classes cancelled with at least 45-day notice, a full refund less a 15% processing fee will be granted.
- Except as per the refund rules in (3) and (4) there will be no possibility to exchange class credit for private tuition
- Saifi Institute reserves the right to cancel courses in the case that fewer than 3 students register. This is due to
the inability of the class to function below a minimum size. In this case a full refund will be granted for tuition
fees paid for the relevant course.
3) Private Lessons: Payment & Refunds
- Tuition fees must be fully paid in advance on a month by month basis.
- Private lessons can be rescheduled with 24-hour notice in case of illness or emergency.
- Same day cancellations will not be refunded or rescheduled.
- Students wishing to change or cancel a private class must inform the school administration with at least 24-hour
notice. Schedules are set by the administration so please do not reschedule directly with the instructor.
- We cannot always guarantee student requests for specific teachers, however if notified at the time of
registration, every effort will be made to accommodate such a request.
4) Schedule Policy for group classes and private lessons
- Please ensure you can attend all the lessons you have booked before signing and agreeing to your schedule.
Once booked, schedules are fixed, and classes cannot be cancelled without evidence of illness or a genuine
- While every effort will be made to accommodate schedule changes, abuse of this facility will not be tolerated.
Repeated schedule changes may lead to missed lessons for which no refunds will be granted.